Occupational Therapy

This service is offered at
Morristown & Maryville

What is Occupational Therapy?

Everyone has occupations––babies have to breathe, swallow, roll over, and reach for toys. School-aged children have to be able to pay attention in class, and adults have to cook meals, drive, and show up to work. You might not realize that you have occupations until you are unable to execute them. Occupational therapy stands out as a holistic practice that involves aspects of nursing, physical therapy, psychiatry, orthopedics, social work, and recreational therapy.

Our clients range from newborns to the elderly. The approach is different depending on the age group, but our goal is the same: To restore lost functions or gain skills that clients need in order to carry out their everyday tasks.

The therapists and assistants here at Dynamic Therapy are trained to help individuals gain the skills they need to fulfill their occupations.

Occupational therapy remains one of the main providers of rehabilitation services related to sensory processing dysfunctions.

Most of us have some sensory peculiarities. In adults and children, these can impair how they function in their environment. These individuals' brains interpret sensations differently than most.

Sensory processing disorders are gaining more attention due to the growing awareness of mental health issues, neurodiversity, and the rise of autism and ADHD. Our occupational therapists can help clients find ways to navigate within their environment and accommodate their lifestyles to be able to function safely and calmly in their environment.

What are the benefits of occupational therapy?

What should I expect?

After explaining to your therapist the difficult experiences you have in carrying out your daily tasks, they will work with you to establish goals and create a treatment plan for improved function.

At Dynamic, you can expect to have our occupational therapists:

Our goal is to help you regain independence in all areas of your life. A combination of fine motor, gross motor, cognitive and sensory activities will help develop and restore occupational skills and overall function.

At Dynamic, we believe that therapy is one of the most effective ways to return to what you love doing. Schedule an appointment today to get started.

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